Auto Troubleshooting: Understanding The Common Problem Signs

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3 Keys To Maintain Your Fleet

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When you own a business that needs the use of a lot of different vehicles, make sure that you touch base with a company that can help you, while also following some useful guidelines. You’ll want to take advantage of fleet maintenance services, buy vehicles that go well with your fleet and be mindful of the way that you use these automobiles. With this in mind, read on and use the tips below. Read More»

Ready For One Final Vacation Before Summer's Officially Over? 3 Tips For Renting An RV Or Camper

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Summer is almost over. However, there’s still some time for that last family vacation before everyone heads back to work and school. If you’ve never taken a vacation in an RV, now’s the time to do it. You don’t even need to buy your own RV; there are plenty of places where you can rent an RV for personal use. If you’re never rented an RV before, it’s important that you do some careful planning, since vacationing in an RV is different from any other type of vacation. Read More»

Can You Handle An Overheated Engine?

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Regardless of how well you care for your car, at some point, the engine can overheat. An overheated car can be a scary experience, and if you do not handle it right, you could end up causing further damage to the vehicle. If you are a car owner, here is what you need to know about overheating engines. Why Is Your Engine Overheating? There are several reasons that your engine could overheat, but most of the time, the problem points back to your radiator. Read More»

Want Your Diesel Engine To Run Well? Follow These Tips

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If you want to make sure that the diesel engine in your vehicle will last for as long as possible and continue to run nicely, you will need to take a moment to consider the ways to ensure that this happens. Start by making use of these tips: Keep An Eye On The Coolant Warning System Light A diesel engine needs to be kept nice and cool at all times. Therefore, the coolant system is imperative to its effective running, as it cannot function for long if the coolant system begins to fail. Read More»

How To Replace Brake Hoses

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Brake hoses are part of the brake line system that assist you in turning the wheels on uneven surfaces. It may not seem like a big deal, but a failing brake hose can cause mushy brakes or the brakes to stop working. Since the hoses are subjected to a large amount of pressure, they will eventually get damaged, and possibly leak fluid. Brake hoses should be easy for you to replace yourself by following these tips. Read More»

Brake Problems Are Big Problems

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Driving is one of the most dangerous activities that you do each day. There are approximately 1.3 million deaths on the road each year, and there are many more that are seriously injured. It is important that your car is functioning properly or you may be more at risk to be in a car accident One part of your car that is integral in your safety is your brakes. There are a few signs that your brakes are going out, and you need to be aware of what they are. Read More»

Four Things Every Responsible Car Owner Does

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First off, why do you want to be a responsible car owner? When you invest a lot of money into your vehicle, you want it to continue to provide for you. This way, you save money on maintenance and replacement. Having a reliable vehicle is also the biggest benefit of being a responsible car owner so that you are highly unlikely to find yourself stranded on the side of the road. Read More»

When Is A Check Engine Light Urgent?

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You’re driving along and that dreaded check engine light pops up. What does it mean, and how urgent is it? Read on to find out more: You Never Know Until You Investigate Check engine lights are a catch-all warning signal that something’s wrong with your engine. A word of caution: don’t assume there’s something minor (or major) wrong with the engine until you have a professional check it out. It could be something very inexpensive, like a spark plug or a blown fuse that’s easy to fix, or something major. Read More»

3 Signs That Your Transmission Needs Some Maintenance

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Given that driving itself is often accompanied by the noise of your passengers, your vehicle and the other drivers around you, it is easy to overlook new, often subtle, signs and symptoms originating from under the hood. However, those new sounds and changes to the driving experience, are often the only way your car has to remind you of the need for the transmission fluids to be flushed, changed or otherwise maintained. Therefore, if it has been a while since your transmission was examined by a professional or if you don’t know when the last time it happened, it is a good idea to be aware of the following signs that it’s time to schedule that work: Read More»

3 Tips For Maintaining Your Commercial Trucks

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Having access to a fleet of commercial trucks that run properly is critical for companies that rely on these trucks to transport products to consumers. If you want your commercial fleet to remain in good condition, investing in routine maintenance is essential. Here are three tips that you can use to ensure the trucks in your commercial fleet run as efficiently as possible in the future. 1. Get regular alignments. Read More»