Boosting Your Mercedes' Fuel Economy Through Three Simple Tips
One of the most commonly cited concerns among Mercedes owners is the steadily rising price of fuel. Yet while there may be nothing you can do to lower the cost per gallon, there is plenty you can do to ensure that your car gets the most mileage from its fuel. If you would like to learn more about how to boost your fuel economy, read on. This article will discuss three simple and effective strategies.
Don't skip those oil changes.
In order to get the most from its gasoline, your engine needs to be as well lubricated as possible. Any unnecessary friction--such as that caused by old or contaminated engine oil--will hamper the smooth movements of your pistons. It doesn't take much additional engine friction to drive up the amount of gasoline needed to get you from one place to another. Therefore, the money you spend of regular oil changes is much more than an investment in your engine's health--it will also pay dividends each time you have to stop for gas.
Ensure your tires are properly inflated.
To many people, the link between tire pressure and fuel economy is difficult to grasp. Nonetheless, there is a quite distinct relationship between the two. You might find it easier to understand this relationship by visually picturing the interaction taking place between the road and a tire. The less pressure there is inside of the tire, the more of its surface will be contacting the road. This will increase the amount of friction and drag being generated.
An increased gas consumption is the direct result of this drag. That's because your car must expend more energy overcoming the friction. That doesn't mean that over-inflating your tire is a good idea, however. Doing so will not only result in a bumpier ride, but it will also increase the amount of wear being put on key parts of your tire--thus hastening the need for expensive replacements. For best results, check every couple of weeks to see that your tires remain inflated to the ideal pressure printed on their sidewall.
Practice moderate speeding habits.
Everybody falls prey to the temptation to really lay on the gas from time to time--usually when they're feeling frustrated or running late. Yet such aggressive driving doesn't just increase your risk of getting a speeding ticket, it also hurts your gas mileage. It has been estimated that those who drive above the speed limit increase their gasoline consumption by up to 33%. Keeping your speeds reasonable is thus a great way to reduce gas costs--as well as to stay on the good side of the law!
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